T100 Dreaming 2021 Prize Draw Terms and Conditions

T100 Dreaming 2021 Prize Draw Terms and Conditions Download an easy-read large print version here The promoter is Kinetika People Ltd (Charity No: 1160439) whose registered office is at 119 Artists’ Studios, High House Production Park, Off Purfleet, Bypass, Purfleet, Essex RM19 1AS There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this […]
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T100 Calling Covid Update

We are aware of the latest Government ruling restricting group sizes to six. We are seeking advice and will issue an update in due course.
T100 2020 dates & walks

T100 Calling is 12-27 September 2020 The theme of T100 2020 is ‘T100 Calling’ and we are inviting a response to the now incredibly urgent question How can we creatively re-imagine our future? A series of mandalas will be created over the course of T100 calling at various locations along the walk routes. Mandalas in […]
Mandala Activity Packs

How to download the May Mandala activity pack for you to enjoy at home.
May Mandala Activity Packs

This new online programme of activities and events will prepare us for the walking festival in September. It is an opportunity to be Inspired, to Reflect, to Make and Do. You can also use it as a tool to think about your own values and the action you can take with your local community. The […]
Download your May Mandala activity pack

This new online programme of activities and events will prepare us for the walking festival in September. It is an opportunity to be Inspired, to Reflect, to Make and Do. You can also use it as a tool to think about your own values and the action you can take with your local community. The […]
T100 2019 Thank You and Credits

A huge thank you to all the people who contributed to T100 2019 Welcome to the Kitchen Table.
Launch event

[smartslider3 slider=28] Photos are by Mike Johnston. See all his photos of T100 2019 in his Flickr Gallery. Welcome to the Kitchen Table Launch Event This event happened on Fri 5th July, 5.00 – 7.00 p.m. Venue: The Lightship Cafe at Grays Beach Riverside Park Everyone was invited to the launch of T100 2019 ‘Welcome […]
Thank You!

Thurrock 100 2017 would like to credit and thank the following people without whom it would not have been so spectacular: Funders Arts Council England Thurrock Council Walks Peter Woodard – Walk designer and leader (All walks) Robert Teer – Walk leader (walk 6) Mike Tarbard – Chairman of the Bata Heritage Centre Nick Stanley, […]

The handsome, male lover; hopelessly infatuated with Isabella. Fashionable, vain and melodramatic. In Thurrock 100 Tales, Alex played Flavio as Tomas Bata the lead character in “The Cobbler’s Tale”. This is one of the lucky characters that received a special costume thanks to the students of South Essex College. Read more about the costumes made for the production HERE. Flavio is one […]
Thurrock 100 2017 Opens Today!

Booking links for all walks are HERE. The much-anticipated third year of the Thurrock 100 walking festival starts at 7pm today in Horndon on the Hill. It kicks off with a leisurely stroll around this historic village, hearing tales of the colourful inhabitants and its historic buildings. It includes ‘The Forger’s Tale’ a humorous, theatrical […]
Thurrock 100 Tales Flyer is out now!

Here are the lovely new designs for Thurrock 100 Tales for 2017! This year, walks feature local tales told in true irreverent Thurrock style by the Complete Commedia Company with costumes by students from South Essex College. The individual walk pages give a hint of the tales told on each one, come and join us to […]
Bookings now live!

How exciting! All routes are confirmed and performances set, for the Thurrock 100 Walking & Talking Festival 2017, 7-9th July! Rehearsals have commenced, costumes are being sewn and mischief is being planned! Local stories will be played out in front of your very eyes, all told with a wonderful comedic interpretation of actual historical facts! Places are […]
Thurrock 100 Returns for 2017

Save the date! The wonderfully popular Thurrock 100 festival will return for its third year with some exciting additions! Dates for the diary are: Fri 7th July, Sat 8th July, Sun 9th July. More details can be found HERE. To keep up to date easily, follow Thurrock 100 on social media: TWITTER or FACEBOOK In the meantime, […]
Tips for happy walkers

Walking during lockdown Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the UK Government has placed England into a national lockdown from Tuesday 5 January 2021. This means everyone living in England must avoid all non-essential travel and stay local to exercise. What is allowed under lockdown rules? You can walk outdoors once a day, in a public […]

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the 100 stories project – we’re grateful to them all! Aveley History Group Jon Catton – Community historian John Copeland, Roger Going and everyone else from the Royal Opera House Thurrock Community Chorus Wendy Curtis Louis Gladwell Sue Gray Tim Baker and Grays Yacht Club […]

Purfleet-based arts organisation Kinetika has today announced that it has been awarded £64,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a new project building on last year’s Thurrock 100, THURROCK 100 STORIES. Working with local historians and heritage volunteers, as well as 20 schools and 20 community groups from all over Thurrock, THURROCK 100 STORIES […]
Snow+Rock Voucher

We’re really delighted that Snow+Rock Romford is offering a 10% discount to all Thurrock 100 participants until the end of July 2015. Simply print out the voucher here and take it along to the store and find yourself some great new kit! Snow+Rock voucher
Thank You
A big thank you to the Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England who have made Thurrock 100 Stories possible… … and also to all the many people who gave their time, creativity and enthusiasm in the creation of this project, including all those who shared their stories and everyone […]