T100 Calling is 12-27 September 2020
The theme of T100 2020 is ‘T100 Calling’ and we are inviting a response to the now incredibly urgent question How can we creatively re-imagine our future?
A series of mandalas will be created over the course of T100 calling at various locations along the walk routes. Mandalas in Hinduism and Buddhism are artworks of various designs symbolising the universe. We aim to use them to bring communities together; to reflect on the issues they face and potential solutions whilst collectively making beautiful pieces of art from locally sourced materials.
A new online programme of activities called May Mandalas was developed in preparation for the walking festival in September.
- See the May Mandala Gallery here
- Say hello in our T100 Walking Arts Facebook Group
- Find out how to get involved
Key dates are below which will be linked together with daily walks focusing on creativity, health and wellbeing and the making of mini-mandalas.
Sun Sept 13: Shoeburyness Beach
- Theme: Tide Turning
- Mandala materials: natural materials e.g. flowers, cockle shells.
We will be making a beach mandala exploring themes around respect for the Earth and the natural landscape in which we live, climate change, coastal erosion and flooding.
Sat 19 Sept: Grays Beach
- Theme: Spring Clean
- Mandala materials: Plastic
Using plastic that has been taken out of the Thames by local litter picking group, working in partnership with Thames 21, we will create our mandala whilst performances from local groups take place as part of the Thurrock Festival.
Sun 20 Sept: Tilbury Foreshore
- Theme: Make Do and Mend
- Mandala materials: Ceramics and other foreshore gems.
Reclaiming public space, making a glistening mandala from ceramics and glass collected form the foreshore.
Sat 26 Sept: Little Belhus Country Park
- Theme: Renewal
- Mandala materials: Recycled bricks, concrete, cement
Working with Rural Arisings on the creation of a new insect habitat using recycled brick, concrete and cement, to make a permanent mandala on a capped landfill site that is being transformed into a country park. It will become the basis of a new rock garden and will be designed with support from the local school and community.
Sun 27 Sept: High House Production Park, Purfleet-on-Thames
- Theme: Grow Your Own
- Mandala materials: Local produce
Working with the Royal Opera House Community Chorus, local community and in partnership with developers PCRL, we will be curating a celebratory event focused on the theme of sustainable communities, including food production and distribution. The mandala will be made from produce, locally grown within a 15mile radius of Purfleet-on-Thames.
Get Involved
If you’d like to get involved, perhaps as a walk leader or steward, or even to help make mandalas, then please get in touch with Katie Beadle: katie@kinetika.co.uk
Latest Updates
To receive the latest T100 walking festival news:
- Sign up to the T100 newsletter
- T100 Facebook: @Thurrock100
- T100 Twitter: @thurrock100
Thanks to our funders and partners
Thurrock 100 would like to extend a huge thank you to its funders and delivery partners. T100 Calling is part of Totally Thames 2020