About The Complete Commedia Company

The Complete Commedia Company is a new Thurrock based theatre company representing a rebranding of T3G and the Wrinkly, who work with associate company Rendered Retina. Led by Bernadette Wakeling, T3G and the Wrinkly offered lectures, seminars, lessons and courses serving to introduce novices to the art of slapstick and 16th Century Italian theatre. Each […]

Specially Designed Costumes! Fabulous costumes for the performances are currently being designed by Kinetika and students of South Essex College on the Costume Construction Degree, based at High House Production Park. The characters of the show with specially designed and constructed costumes are: Il Dottore as William Green – the lead character in “The Forger’s Tale”, […]

New for 2017! In 2017 the walking festival included the exciting addition of specially dramatised local stories and songs performed by the Complete Commedia Company. Amongst others, there were tales of Forgers, Shoemakers and what happened at Cash’s Well, all told in the irreverent comedy style of La Commedia dell’Arte with a very Thurrock flavour. Photos […]
Characters of Commedia Dell’Arte

What is Commedia Dell’Arte? Originating in Renaissance Italy, but achieving popularity across Europe, Commedia Dell’Arte is a special type of improvised comedy. It involves stock characters – comic servants, young lovers, self-important pedants and soldiers – each one recognisable by stylised costumes, masks and exaggerated gestures. Troupes of Italian players may have travelled through London […]