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Tide Turning: Green Spaces
Tuesday 15 September
Today we invite you to explore your own local area. Find a quiet green space and make a mandala using natural materials.
For this mandala, walk to green spaces in your area, find a quiet space, and use materials found there – for example sticks or leaves.
When the tide turns on COVID 19, what changes will you make in your daily life?
Find inspiration in our Renewal Gallery
Share your mandala in our T100 Walking Arts Facebook Group or on social media with #T100Calling
Links to inspiring local organisations
- Thurrock CVS – https://thurrockcvs.org/
- Grass Roof Company – https://www.grassroofcompany.co.uk/
- Kinetika – www.kinetikaonline.co.uk
- Tuesday 15 September Online Event
Make your own mandala from found materials and share it online.
Walk Info
Self Directed
What to take
If you would like to collect materials for your mandala along the route then please take a small bag with you for this, gloves are also recommended. Face masks are advisable if you wish to use public toilets and essential if you wish to visit local shops or are travelling via public transport.
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Please ensure that you are properly equipped for all walks. The weather can be unpredictable so bring waterproof clothing and/or sun hats and sun cream – it’s best to be prepared for everything!
Walking boots/shoes are recommended, but otherwise please wear suitable and comfortable footwear- best to leave open-toe sandals or high heels at home. Make sure you take a packed lunch, if necessary, and plenty to drink.
Download the flyer here: T100 2020 Festival Flyer
Thurrock 100 would like to extend a huge thank you to its funders and delivery partners.
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Delivery Partners
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