Why Walk?

Walking works.  It makes people happy, keeps everyone healthy, and can even save your life.  Walking also brings people together, helps them feel positive and is a cost-effective way to exercise too.

[expand title=”Being inactive can take 3-5 years off your life” tag=”h4″ endwrap=”“]Are you sitting a bit too comfortably?  The facts show that physical inactivity now rivals smoking as one of the nation’s biggest health problems.  Today it’s responsible for 17% of early deaths in the UK.  In fact, what we’re looking at is an international epidemic. Physical inactivity causes 6% of deaths around the world, making it one of the top four global killers. In fact, it’s the principle cause of a huge number of common health conditions.

But that’s not all.  Research reveals that being inactive increases your chances of developing cancer, heart disease or stroke by 25-30%, and can take 3-5 years off your life.[/expand]

[expand title=”Getting active saves lives” tag=”h4″ endwrap=”“]The UK Chief Medical Officers say that adults should do at least 150minutes of moderate physical activity, like walking, every week. Kids should be active for an hour every day. But in England some studies have suggested that only 6% of men and 4% of women actually achieve this. In fact, one in three people don’t even manage 30 minutes a week.

The simple fact is that getting active can save your life. It also slashes, by 25-50%, your chances of getting heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.[/expand]

[expand title=”Happy and healthy” tag=”h4″ endwrap=”“]
Keeping active helps us feel both healthy and happy.  People that stay active:

  • get less stressed
  • sleep better
  • feel better
  • have a 30% lower risk of getting depressed
  • keep their minds sharp
  • improve their memories
  • reduce their risk of having dementia

Taking a walk also means you see more of your friends and neighbours.  Studies show this can help everyone feel part of the community and actively reduces crime.

[expand title=”Why walking works” tag=”h4″ endwrap=”“]
Walking is already one of the most popular physical activities in the world.  For most of us it’s as simple as slipping on a pair of shoes and opening the front door.  There are lots of reasons why it’s so accessible:

  • Walking is free – no need for expensive gym membership or special equipment
  • you can wear everyday clothes
  • walking is gentle – you’re unlikely to get injured
  • it’s fun to get together with friends and go for a walk
  • it’s a healthy way of getting where you need to be
  • you can do it almost anywhere at any time
  • you can start off slowly and build up as you get more confident



Taken from Walking Works, a report by the Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Support.

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