T100 Dreaming was our 7th successful annual walking, talking and making festival!
Local people and artists were invited to come together to share their dreams, celebrate community spirit and imagine a more sustainable future.
Along with inspiration sessions for artists and creative workshops for community groups, we provided mentoring support for four new walk leaders from diverse communities in partnership with Active Essex, Essex Cultural Diversity Project & Living London.
Last year the festival also partnered with Kinetika‘s larger creative walking event Beach of Dreams which expanded our walking, talking and making concept from Thurrock all the way up the coast to Lowestoft!
A huge thank you to all the walk leaders, stewards, local history guides, artists, businesses and venues that supported the events in all our locations.
All photos and videos are by Mike Johnston.
Below is a round up of the action, where to find all the photos and how to give us feedback.
Together we will creatively re-imagine how we can make a difference in our communities for future generations.
Join the conversation on social media with #T100Dreaming
In 2021 we created a new song ‘Tilbury is the Place for Me’, written by Anthony Joseph and Ruben Fox with Kinetika Bloco and local young people from the Gateway Learning Community and Tilbury Youth Services, inspired by the calypso of the Windrush generation ‘London is the place for me’. ‘Tilbury is the Place for Me’ is part of Shout Out Loud, English Heritage’s national youth engagement programme. Shout Out Loud is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Kick the Dust programme. and artist Anthony Joseph, to create a new song, ‘Tilbury is the Place for Me’.
Discover more about this song, and listen now, here on the T100 Making page.
Find out all about T100, how it came about and all the amazing things we’ve done so far, in our T100 Exhibition here.
All the 2021 walks are listed below, the map pins are the start points. Find the detailed walk route maps on the individual walk pages.
Click on the markers for more info and booking links.
Navigate the map by click/drag and the +/- button on the bottom left
Walk 1
Walk 2
Stanford Le Hope to Thameside Nature Park