Walking, even a short distance a few times a week, is good for you. Recent studies have shown that people who walk for 30 minutes etc etc [include something about health outcomes but also wellbeing]
In this section you’ll find details of the ten Thurrock 100 walks and the interesting places in each area. Each walk is around ten miles in length, with a variety of terrain from country footpaths and bridleways to roads and pavements in more urban settings. Don’t feel you have to walk all ten miles to take part: you are welcome to walk as far as you like whether that’s 100m or the full ten miles.
Click on the links below for a description of each walk, with the landmarks along the way, an interactive map and a downloadable version you can take with you.
All the walks will be led by trained walk leaders. You will need to register in order to take part.
- Walk as far as you like – you don’t have to walk the whole route!
- Wear appropriate footwear – sturdy trainers should be fine, but walking shoes or boots are better!
- Bring a bottle of water and a snack.
- Please bring sunscreen and a hat if it’s hot.
- You are welcome to bring well-behaved dogs, but please keep them on a short lead and clean up after them.
Anything else?