Rachael is currently studying at Southend High School For Boys.
She is part of Insanity Theatre Company, with her most recent involvement being in the production “Lift” at the Dixon Studio. She is a former pupil at St Clere’s School and Orsett C of E Primary, and is going to study English Literature and Drama at university in September 2017.
In Thurrock 100 Tales Rachael is playing Isabella , appearing as Lillian Green in The Forger’s Tale and Anna Bata in The Cobbler’s Tale.
Rachael can be seen featuring on the following days:
The Forger’s Tale is performed on:
- Fri 7th July 2017 (7pm start) as part of a walk around Horndon on the Hill. Book your place HERE.
The Cobbler’s Tale is performed on:
- Sun 9th July (1pm start) as part of a stroll around Bata then on to Coalhouse Fort. Book your place HERE.
Both Tales will be performed at the Finale, along with Cash’s Well:
- Sun 9th July, (4pm start) as part of the Finale at Coalhouse Fort. Book your place HERE.
All walks and performances are free, but please book your place so we can manage numbers.
Both Tales takes their inspiration from the Thurrock 100 Book.
If you have a copy of the book and want to see the inspiration, Cobbler’s Tale is #18 and Forger’s Tale is #45
Copies of the Thurrock 100 book can be bought from Grays Library or HERE.
See more about the Complete Commedia Company’s work HERE