Young Ambassador Chantelle’s T100 Goes Wild Blog

T100 Young Ambassador, Chantelle worked with the T100 team this year to help others explore plants and more. Chantelle put her thoughts on her involvement with the T100 Goes Wild down on paper for a short blog. Find out more by reading her words below. 

Chantelle’s T100 Journey Experience 2024

I am Chantelle, and I’m a young carer. I’m involved with T100, and here is why.

I got invited to go to the T100 art Studio (Kinetika) with lots of children from Young Carers. We had lots of fun making natural dye from plants with Nicole and her colleagues. I felt inspired and interested and wanted to learn more about them, especially to see if I could see them again.

Nicole told me about T100 ambassadors and I knew I would love to help and take part. Liam helped and encouraged me to be a Thurrock ambassador. It helped me build skills which will help me in the future. It increased my confidence in many ways and that is great!

Chantelle 1
lora & chantelle

I met a colleague, Lora and we have been working together loads, and we threw a garden party. 

We created a postcard about plants on canvas. I used my computing skills so I was able to complete it. The Postcard was filled with pictures, questions, colours which stood out (please see the full postcard by clicking this link).

The garden Party was amazing! There was beautiful sunshine, happy faces and it was lovely. Families turned up for the garden party and we taught them. about different plants and their names and some you can even eat!

There was food, exercise workshops, garden walks and an activity station where activity we encouraged children and adults to get creative with art in wild ways. On the table we had plant books flowers in vases, pencils, and loads of fun things. T100’s theme is going wild. It represents going wild and using your imagination in fascinating ways.

Me and Liam had an interview about who we work for, what we do and why. T100 has made me see art in ways that fascinate me and inspire me. I love working with them so much and they are my role models. I would love to continue the hard work and thanke you so much. Also a big thank you to Julie from Young Carers for coming and drawing a fantastic artwork piece! 

(c) Mark Massey

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